Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Client Server Model And Software Design

From the viewpoint of an application, TCP/IP, like most computer communication protocols, merely provides basic
mechanisms used to transfer data. In particular, TCP/IP allows a programmer to establish communication between two application programs and to pass data back and forth. Thus, we say that TCP/IP provides peer-to-peer communication. The peer applications can execute on the same machine or on different machines.

Although TCP/IP specifies the details of how data passes between a pair of communicating applications, it does not dictate
when or why peer applications interact, nor does it specify how programmers should organize such application programs in a distributed environment. In practice, one organizational method dominates the use of TCP/IP to such an extent that almost all applications use it. The method is known as the client-server paradigm. In fact, client-server interaction has become so fundamental in peer-to-peer networking systems that it forms the basis for most computer communication.

This text uses the client-server paradigm to describe all application programming. It considers the motivations behind the client-server model, describes the functions of the client and server components, and shows how to construct both client and server software.

Before considering how to construct software, it is important to define client-server concepts and terminology. The next sections define terminology that is used throughout the text.


The fundamental motivation for the client-server paradigm arises from the problem of rendezvous. To understand the problem, imagine a human trying to start two programs on separate machines and have them communicate. Also remember that computers operate many orders of magnitude faster than humans. After the human initiates the first program, the program begins execution and sends a message to its peer. Within a few milliseconds, it determines that the peer does not yet exist, so it emits an error message and exits. Meanwhile, the human initiates the second program. Unfortunately, when the second program starts execution, it finds that the peer has already ceased execution. Even if the two programs retry to communicate continually, they can each execute so quickly that the probability of them sending messages to one another simultaneously is low.

The client-server model solves the rendezvous problem by asserting that in any pair of communicating applications, one side must start execution and wait (indefinitely) for the other side to contact it. The solution is important because TCP/IP does not respond to incoming communication requests on its own.

Because TCP/IP does not provide any mechanisms that automatically create running programs when a message arrives, a program must be waiting to accept communication before any requests arrive.
Thus, to ensure that computers are ready to communicate, most system administrators arrange to have communication programs start automatically whenever the operating system boots. Each program runs forever, waiting for the next request to arrive for the service it offers.

Terminology And Concepts

The client-server paradigm divides communicating applications into two broad categories, depending on whether the application waits for communication or initiates it. This section provides a concise, comprehensive definition of the two categories, and relies on later chapters to illustrate them and explain many of the subtleties.

Clients And Servers

The client-server paradigm uses the direction of initiation to categorize whether a program is a client or server. In general, an application that initiates peer-to-peer communication is called a client. End users usually invoke client software when they use a network service. Most client software consists of conventional application programs. Each time a client application executes, it contacts a server, sends a request, and awaits a response. When the response arrives, the client continues processing. Clients are often easier to build than servers, and usually require no special system privileges to operate.

By comparison, a server is any program1 that waits for incoming communication requests from a client. The server receives a client's request, performs the necessary computation, and returns the result to the client.

Privilege And Complexity

Because servers often need to access data, computations, or protocol ports that the operating system protects, server software usually requires special system privileges. Because a server executes with special system privilege, care must be taken to ensure that it does not inadvertently pass privileges on to the clients that use it. For example, a file server that operates as a privileged program must contain code to check whether a given file can be accessed by a given client. The server cannot rely on the usual operating system checks because its privileged status overrides them.

Servers must contain code that handles the issues of:

  • Authentication - verifying the identity of the client
  • Authorization - determining whether a given client is permitted to access the service the server supplies
  • Data security - guaranteeing that data is not unintentionally revealed or compromised
  • Privacy - keeping information about an individual from unauthorized access
  • Protection - guaranteeing that network applications cannot abuse system resources.
As we will see in later chapters, servers that perform intense computation or handle large volumes of data operate more efficiently if they handle requests concurrently. The combination of special privileges and concurrent operation usually makes servers more difficult to design and implement than clients. Later chapters provide many examples that illustrate the differences between clients and servers.

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